Sunday, May 1, 2016

Another Unhappy Holiday on the Road to Christmas

We are blessed to have children and my wife is a mother. BUT this is not a happy time for some ladies.They have empty arms this holiday and long for them to be filled with the joy of a newborn , a toddler , a child , a teen.People take it for granted that everyone celebrates Mother's Day. Some have buried their mother , some never had a mother , some will never be a mother.This day is full of reminders of what they long for or who they are missing.Please try to reach out to them.A phone call that isn't a reminder , lunch , a text , or just be there.They are not unhappy for you , but sad for themselves.Holiday depression is not just something people feel at Christmas.To all the UN- Mother's Day ladies out there enjoy your day.Celebrate being a lady and try to find someone to watch a video with or have brunch at home.You ARE important. You ARE special to someone.Hug yourself and know the day is almost over.

This is not just the ladies.Many men are in this same place we haven't forgotten your pain.Hug your spouse and celebrate together. Celebrate making it despite the pain and struggle.You too ARE important.

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